Fire safety
Before you start letting, you (or your agent) should carry out a fire risk assessment of the property to check that measures to prevent fire and escape from fire are satisfactory.
You must make sure that:
- Adequate fire safety measures are in place for tenants' protection
- All fire detection and fire-fighting equipment is regularly serviced and kept in good working order at all times
It's recommended (as a minimum) that:
- All occupiers know their way round the property and the fire escape routes
- Smoke alarms are fitted on each floor of the property
- A fire blanket is provided in each kitchen
- Each floor of the property has at least one portable fire extinguisher. They should be visible and accessible but placed out of the reach of young children. The type and size will vary depending on the risk. Powder or foam extinguishers are generally considered the most suitable for use in kitchens
Higher standards apply to larger properties and HMOs where the risk of fire is greater. Extra fire safety measures must be put in place, such as multiple fire extinguishers (or a sprinkler system), fire blankets, fire alarms and fire escape routes.
For more about what is classed as an HMO, see Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).
Fire escape routes
The fire escape route in a property is usually via the main door to the street (or a back door, if there is one). Exit doors must be fitted with a lock that can be opened from the inside without a key.
Escape routes should be fitted with fire exit signs if the escape route isn't the usual way out. They must be kept clear of obstructions at all times and shouldn't be used as a storage area, especially for combustible items. This includes all staircases and corridors.
If the escape route is poorly lit, an emergency lighting system should be installed to illuminate escape routes so that occupants can safely leave the building in an emergency.
If the property has a basement, there must be a fire-resisting door between it and the ground floor.
All fire-resisting doors should be self-closing.
The walls, ceilings, doors, glazing, staircases and staircase enclosures along the route to the exit door should be capable of resisting fire for at least 30 minutes.
Fire safety of furniture
The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 apply across the UK. (They're sometimes referred to as the 'match test'.)
If you supply new or second-hand furniture or furnishings in your property, you must make sure that they meet safety standards on fire resistance (under section 11 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987). This applies to all furniture made after 1950 and supplied for tenants' use after 1 March 1993.
Display labels should be attached to each item of furniture stating that it meets the requirements of the fire safety regulations.
If you supply any furniture that doesn't meet these standards, you could be fined up to £5,000 and/or face up to 6 months' imprisonment. There are also serious penalties for contributing to death or injury arising from a fire in your property where furniture/furnishings are found to be below regulatory standards.
Fire safety and alarms (England and Northern Ireland)
Larger properties and houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
Higher standards apply to larger properties and HMOs (where the fire risk is greater). If the property isn't a single private dwelling you (or your agent) must carry out a risk assessment to check that general fire precautions are satisfactory. You should keep a record of your risk assessment.
As well as all of the above safety measures, HMOs, larger properties (and properties with corridors leading in different directions) must be equipped with multiple fire alarms, heat or smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers, fire blankets and escape routes.
Fire alarms and heat or smoke detectors should be located in areas where the fire risk is greater (such as a kitchen). These must be connected to the electricity supply (with a battery supply backup) and each alarm should be inter-connected and audible throughout the entire building. Smoke and fire alarms should conform to BS 5446 Part 1. Electrical alarms and automatic fire detection systems should conform to BS 5839 Part 1 or BS 5839 Part 6 (depending on the size and type of premises).
All shared kitchens should have a fire blanket.
Fire-fighting equipment must be kept in good order.
Occupants should have more than one means of quick escape. If the property has an external escape route, it should be protected from smoke and fire. Notices showing fire escape routes should be clearly visible to the occupiers and all such routes must be kept clear.
Other properties
There is specific legislation requiring fire and safety alarms in England and Northern Ireland for residential properties that are not large or an HMO. These alarms must be in proper working order at the start of any new tenancy as of:
- 1 October 2015 in England (unless the tenancy replaces, or continues immediately after, another tenancy for the same property between the same landlord and tenant)
- 1 September 2024 in Northern Ireland (and all current tenancies from 1 December 2024)
Otherwise, different rules apply for each country.
Smoke alarms must be installed on every floor that contains a room used for living accommodation (even if it's partially used for that purpose).
Carbon monoxide alarms must be installed in every room that is used for living accommodation and contains a solid fuel burning combustion appliance (but not a gas cooker) designed to burn solid fuel, gas or oil.
You will be required to repair and replace any faulty alarms even if the terms of the tenancy agreement state it's the tenant's responsibility. So, tenants should notify you of a faulty alarm as soon as they are found to be faulty.
See the government's smoke and carbon monoxide alarms guide.
Northern Ireland
Smoke alarms must be installed on each floor and in any room that's most frequently used by the tenants for general daytime living purposes (including open plan living areas).
Heat alarms must be installed in every kitchen.
Carbon monoxide alarms must be installed in any room or circulation space (i.e. hall, stairs, landing or corridor) that contains a fixed combustion appliance or a flue. This can include boilers, fires (including open fires), heaters and stoves fuelled by solid fuel, oil or gas, but excludes a gas cooker or oven.
Note that:
- A heat alarm can be fitted instead where the proximity of an open fireplace makes fitting a smoke alarm impracticable.
- A smoke alarm isn't needed if a room includes an open plan living area and there's a heat alarm in the kitchen that's positioned not more than 7.5 metres from any point in the room.
The alarms can be connected to the property's electrical supply or battery sealed (or a combination of both). Battery sealed alarms should be tamper-proof units with long life batteries.
Smoke and heat alarms must be linked to each other and installed and maintained in accordance with British Standard BS 5839-6. Carbon monoxide alarms must be installed and maintained in accordance with British Standard BS EN 50292 and don't need to be interlinked.
You must also ensure that each smoke, heat or carbon monoxide alarm is replaced when you're notified the alarm is faulty and replaced before the manufacturer's specified date of expiry.
For further information see the Government guidance.
More information and guidance
For guidance on landlord duties for different types of properties see the LACORS Housing Fire Safety guidance. This guidance should be taken into account when doing a risk assessment to decide which precautions are appropriate for the rented property. The guidance reflects best practice but is not mandatory. The landlord has a responsibility to provide safe premises and following the guidance will support an argument by the landlord that they have fulfilled this obligation.
Also see the government's fire safety guidance which links to documents on fire safety law and guidance for landlords.
Fire safety and alarms (Scotland)
Smoke and heat alarms
You must install satisfactory fire detection alarms that can detect a fire and give a warning in the event of changes in temperature that could cause a fire. The smoke/heat alarm must be:
- able to detect smoke/changes in temperature as a primary indication of fire and give an audible (and, where needed, visual) warning;
- compliant with a British standard kitemark;
- mounted on the ceiling; and
- interlinked via wires (hardwired) or wirelessly (by radio signal), so if one goes off, they all go off.
The minimum requirement is to have:
- one smoke alarm in every circulation space (such as hallways and landings);
- one smoke alarm in the room which is most often lived in during the daytime (such as a living room or lounge); and
- one heat alarm in every kitchen.
They must be regularly tested and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Carbon monoxide alarms
A carbon monoxide (CO) detector is required in all rooms where there is a fixed combustion appliance or a flue. These appliances include boilers, fires, heaters and stoves that work on carbon-based fuels such as oil, gas, wood, coal, or other form of carbon solid fuel. It does not include an appliance only used for cooking, such as gas cookers and hobs.
A CO detector/alarm must be:
- able to detect if carbon monoxide is present in a concentration that is harmful to health and give an audible (and, where needed, visual) warning;
- battery operated (with a sealed battery that alerts you when it's coming to the end of its lifespan) or hard-wired to the mains (not plug-in), alerting users if there if a sensor failure;
- ceiling mounted (at least 300mm from any wall) or wall mounted (at least 150mm below ceiling height but higher than any door or window); and
- compliant with a British standard kitemark.
The CO detector must be fixed in:
- each room or inter-connected space (such as a garage) that has a fixed appliance which uses carbon-based fuel; and
- each bedroom and living room where a flue from any appliance that uses carbon-based fuel passes through.
More information
See the Government guidance for more.
Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
Higher standards may apply to HMOs, depending on the requirements of the licencing local authority. An HMO must have adequate fire precautions, including provision for:
- Fire detection and giving warning in case of fire
- Escape from the building
- Fighting fire
You should carry out a risk assessment (or have one carried out for you) to establish the risk of fire occurring and the risk to people in the event of fire. This would apply to everyone who may be in the HMO (residents and visitors) and should take adequate account of any people with special needs.
The risk assessment should show whether existing fire precautions are adequate, and what changes may need to be made (if inadequate). The licensing authority or fire authority will review the risk assessment if they inspect the premises.
Guidance on risk assessment and other fire safety matters can be found on the website.
You should check requirements for HMOs in your area with the relevant local authority. The main usual requirements are that:
- Mains-powered smoke and heat alarms are on a linked circuit, so that all alarms will go off if one alarm detects a fire. The number and position of alarms will be determined by the size and layout of the property
- The escape route from every living room and bedroom should be enclosed by walls with 30 minutes' fire resistance
- All fire doors should be self-closing and have 30 minutes' fire resistance
- Water-type extinguishers should be provided on each floor
- A fire blanket should be provided in the kitchen
Any additional requirements for escape routes will depend on the height of the HMO from the ground, or the number of storeys, and the distance to be travelled within the HMO to the main exit.
Fire safety equipment must be maintained based on the manufacturer's recommendations. You (or your agent) should prepare an emergency plan, and all residents must be made aware of what to do in the event of a fire.