How do I get an online divorce?
An online divorce offers a convenient and cost-effective way to go through the divorce process. Getting divorced involves completing several documents and forms which can be done quickly and easily online. At MyLawyer we have created an online divorce process that is simple to use and will guide you through the legal documents and forms required.
The first step of an online divorce is to complete a 'divorce petition', known as a 'Divorce/judicial separation petition (Form D8)'. However, you will need to have been married for at least a year before you can start your divorce. Like all our divorce documents and forms, these can be drafted simply by completing an online questionnaire.
Start your Divorce Petition now
After completing this form it should be sent to the Regional Divorce Centre (DC) for your area . The court will give the form a case number and send a copy to your spouse. If your spouse indicates that they do not intend defending (arguing about) the petition for divorce, you can proceed with the next step of your online divorce. This will be to apply for a 'decree nisi'.
A decree nisi requires the completion of an 'Application for a decree nisi (Form D84)', together with a 'Statement in support of divorce'. There are five different statements in support of divorce and you will need to complete the one relating to the reason for your divorce. The statements are as follows:
- Statement in support of divorce - adultery (Form D80A)
- Statement in support of divorce - unreasonable behaviour (Form D80B)
- Statement in support of divorce - desertion (Form D80C)
- Statement in support of divorce - 2 years' separation (Form D80D)
- Statement in support of divorce - 5 years' separation (Form D80E)
Once the court receives these forms, it will review them and, if satisfied that there are justifiable grounds for divorce, issue a decree nisi. Once you have a decree nisi you will be able to take the final step which is to obtain a 'decree absolute'.
To apply for a decree absolute, you have to fill in a 'Notice of application for decree nisi to be made absolute (Form D36)' and send it to the court six weeks after the date that your decree nisi was pronounced.
The information on this page applies to England and Wales only.