Under the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 as amended, employers are responsible for paying SSP to employees for up to 28 weeks of sickness in any period. The following notes only summarise the main features of the scheme.
The weekly rate of SSP is updated every April – see GOV.UK for the current rate.
SSP can only be paid in respect of qualifying days and the daily rate is the Weekly SSP Rate divided by the number of qualifying days in that week.
The maximum entitlement is 28 weeks' SSP in any one period of up to 3 years.
SSP payments from another employer, past or present, do not affect your liability and should be ignored. SSP liability ceases on termination of employment, provided the contract was not ended to avoid paying SSP.
An employee in any of the following categories has no SSP entitlement:
Special rules apply to correcting errors such as overpayment and underpayment of SSP.
Further details and advice can be obtained from your Jobcentre Plus Local Benefit Delivery Service, and if necessary from the telephone legal advice helpline.
Initially the employer must decide whether SSP is payable and notify the employee of the reasons for any non-payment. On request from an employee, the employer must provide them with a written statement of:
The employee should discuss any disputed decision with the employer first, but can ask the HM Revenue and Customs to make a formal decision.
Within limits, employers can set their own rules about employees notifying sickness absence. Full details of any notification rules must be made available to employees. If the employer makes no rules or they are outside set limits an employee's written notification of sickness to their employer, not later than 7 calendar days after a qualifying day of absence, will satisfy the notification requirements for that day. Late notification without good reason may entitle the employer to withhold SSP for the number of qualifying days by which notification was delayed.
Employees can be asked to produce any reasonable evidence of sickness in support of claims for SSP. Many employers use a system of self-certificates and doctor's certificates as described elsewhere in this section.
There must be satisfactory control of sickness absence but the employer can choose the method.
Medical evidence is required, for SSP purposes, from the eighth day that an employee is away from work due to sickness or injury.
Regulations require certain medically qualified individuals (including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists and physiotherapists) to provide a medical statement which gives them an option to certify that an employee 'may be fit for work' (known as a 'fit note') after taking into account certain advice. This will generally include recommendations for changes that can be made to the workplace to facilitate the employee's return to work.
In Scotland, the Healthy Working Lives website provides information, resources and access to specialist advisors.
You can also refer to the guidance for employers on GOV.UK, which includes advice on the procedure to follow if an employer receives a 'may be fit for return to work' statement.
If, following consultation with the employee, it looks likely that they will be able to return to work then you should carry out a health and safety risk assessment on their return to work. Guidance for undertaking a risk assessment can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive's website.